Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development, Priority Axis 3 - Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises, Key Area of Intervention 3.2 – Training and support for enterprises and employees to promote adaptability
The overall objective of the project was to provide training to health professionals to improve the quality of care by use of new technologies, triggering increased health system performance by improving accessibility, effectiveness and equity of health services offered to the population, as well as improving management of medical and health sector institutions to modernize health services in the general context of support for penetration of information and communication technologies in the health sector by providing e-Health services.
The overall objectives of the project were achieved through specific objectives aimed to improve the management performance of county, municipal and city hospitals’ personnel in the four regions covered by the project, with specific training fields such as strategic organizational management, public health units’ management, human resources management and financial management and public procurement, as well as improvement of TIC competencies, information systems for hospital management, public relations, communications management and English.
A final specific objective was given by setting up the partnership structure The Observatory on training human resources in the health system and its ISO certification in order to contribute to the continuation and expansion of activities of this project and thus meet the need for continuous training of medical personnel.
Training of health units’ personnel was a central activity in the project implementation with two major components: training of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel and training of management personnel within healthcare setting.
For the operational personnel were designed three types of training:
- Public Relations and Communication Management
- English Language Competencies
- TIC Competencies
The management personnel beneficiated from training regarding:
- Financial Management and Public Procurement
- Human Resources Management
- Process Improvement Management
The courses were held according to curricula approved by CNFPA (National Authority for Adults Training) and consistent with the information presented in the accreditation file. Each graduate received certificates recognized at national and European level.
Constant preoccupation for health system improvement and alignment to European standards has emerged as a first conclusion of the Study on training needs and management of human resources in health organizations, an independent activity of particular relevance in the development of training programs.
For the study were designed and applied questionnaires, were organized workshops and seminars, the physicians, nurses, and patients and also top management personnel being the targeted sample for the underwent study. The Study represented an extensive monograph and accurate diagnosis of training percentage of healthcare personnel in fields other than medical.
Trans-national business trips in order to facilitate appropriation of best practices in human resources management in the public health system was an activity supported mainly by the French partner that allowed the participants to meet and exchange experience with their French peers. The purpose of these visits was to identify and compare the solutions and prospects set as their objective to improve the quality of care and patient reception and for improving working conditions and operational and financial performance of health institutions.
The results supported the achievement of specific objectives, being likely to further support the general objectives by improving the quality of care, increasing the medical system performance and management of healthcare units, along with supporting the penetration of ITC in the health sector.
Some of the most defining results of the project were:
- Study on training needs and management of human resources in health organizations, resulting from the application of more than 1000 questionnaires in seminars and workshops both in the Romanian regions included in the project and at transnational level through our French partner actively involved in this activity;
- Over 300 personnel in leading positions in public health units trained and certified in financial management and public procurement, improved management processes and human resources management areas;
- More than 850 doctors, nurses and other medical personnel in public health units trained and certified for acquired skills in ICT, foreign language and public relations;
- 2 Trans-national business trips that allowed the participants to identify and compare the solutions and prospects set as their objective to improve the quality of care and patient reception and for improving working conditions and operational and financial performance of health institutions;
- E-learning platform;
- Marketing materials to promote the project in online and print media.