Hipocrate Platform gives us the owner and creator position of the most performant IT HealthCare solution on national level, with remarkable results obtained through the innovative procedure used. Through this, it integrates medical and management activities of the medical solutions supplier, both private and public.
Hipocrate represents the core of medical activities from a hospital, such as laboratory, imaging, pharmacy, national health program (diabetes, nutrition, TBC) and ambulatory, of combined specialties with complex management activities, reports and financial accounting in the medical field.
The implementation of Hipocrate Platform contributes to the integration and interconnection of all activities in a medical institution, generating a series of major benefits, such as:
- managing all costs generated by a patient in the hospital;
- overview of the entire medical institution activity;
- electronic tracking of a patient in hospital, from its admission to discharge, creating the Patient Unique Electronic File;
- real time reporting of information regarding all the necessary internal activity, as well as all reports to the superior public healthcare institutions (The National Health Insurance House);
- information transfer and synthetic data generation due to modular structure of the system;
- automating the processing and transfer of data and images;
- reducing bureaucratic work submitted by doctors in favor of the strictly professional one by solving operational issues such as discharges, medication, standard forms automatically filled with data from system;
- information is entered once in the system, eliminating redundancies;
- real-time information regardless of their location;
- the possibility of exporting data in various formats (XML, compatible with the IT Integrated System) and international standards (for example DRG);
- obtaining data in real-time allows the management to stabilize the hospital functioning through efficiency of its subordinate hospital wards;
- provides a full management audit and control tool over all processes undertaken in the medical institution;
- automatically takeover of the results from all types of medical equipment which permits the automatic mode;
- it is connected to cash registers, generating the receipt;
- generates the unique analysis report for each patient, with his complete medical history;
- generates reports to Health Insurance House (SIUI, National Programs, e.g.) and other public medical institutions, in standard formats;
- generates specific reports customized by the specific needs of the client;
- allows identification of medical tests using the barcodes tags;
- analysis reports can be automatically sent through email.